Dog/Canine Health Test Clinic Schedule

in the United States and Canada

(If it's not on this list, we don't know about it.)

UK clinics are listed on this Facebook group page.
Compiled by
Copyright © 2004-2025 by Blenheim Company

Updated March 22, 2025


How to Find Clinics on this Site

Skip to: Table 1: Clinic Locations (Newest Listings in RED)

Skip to: Table 2: Clinic Dates & Details

Uncle SamAll cavalier King Charles spaniels past puppyhood should be  examined annually by a veterinarian for a heart murmur over the mitral valve and by a veterinary ophthalmologist for eye disorders. The savvy cavalier owner knows that a few CKCS breed clubs and other breed and kennel clubs periodically offer health-testing clinics, usually in connection with conformation shows. The cavalier clubs' clinics most often consist of a veterinary cardiologist and/or a veterinary ophthalmologist, board certified, who will examine a dog and render a written opinion as to the condition of its heart and eyes, for a discounted fee.

Heart/Cardiac Tests:

This examination is intended to determine if potential breeding stock cavaliers have murmur-free hearts. These clinics are not for dogs already diagnosed with mitral valve disease (MVD). The cardiologist will examine the dog's heart using a stethoscope (called auscultation), to determine whether or not the dog has a mitral valve murmur and what grade it is. (See Mitral Valve Disease for a discussion of the grades of MVD murmurs.) He will prepare a written report of his cardiac diagnosis, for the owner to take to a veterinarian for follow-up care. Ask the cardiologist to use this standardized report form. This is valuable information for owners who do not already know that their cavaliers have mitral valve disease. However, the echocardiograph exams at these clinics are not intended to re-examine cavaliers which already have been diagnosed with MVD. It is imperative that the owner take the MVD-affected dog to a board certified veterinary cardiologist regularly, at least yearly, for further examinations of the progression of the disease and prescriptions for treatments. An owner whose cavalier is afflicted with MVD should not rely solely upon the periodic visits to cardiologists at health clinics for proper care of the affected dog.

How to register on for cardiac/heart tests:

This is for heart auscultation ("Basic Cardiac") tests only, and NOT for echo scans ("Advanced Cardiac"). Go online to  Check the "Basic Cardiac" box. Then scroll to the bottom of that page and click "Download". Print the blank form and complete the top section down to "Signature of owner ..." and bring it with you to the clnic.

Eye/Vision Tests:

The ophthalmologist will examine the dog's dilated eyes for a variety of disorders. (See Eyes for a list of them.) He also will prepare a written report, usually using a form provided by the Canine Eye Registration Foundation (CERF) or by the Orthopedic Foundation of Animals' (OFA's) Eye Certification Registry (CAER).

How to register on for eye tests:

Log in your email address and password on  Then click on "Create a New Application". Then click on Health Clinics" in the left column. Then scroll to the date of the clinic you want to register, under "Dates/City" and click on that orange box. Yes, it is quite complicated.

Thyroid and Other Blood Tests:

Dogs should fast for 12 hours before blood tests. Females should not be 1 month or closer to coming into season or too close to being out of season if intact. For more information about the Thyroid Test, see this page of our website: Thyroid Panel.

Hips, Patellas, Hearing, Thyroid, and Other Tests:

For more information about the other specialties listed in Table 2, see these pages of our website: Hip X-Rays, Patellas, BAER Clinic, Neurologists.

Tell Us About Other Upcoming Clinics

If you know of any up-coming clinics we have missed, please contact us at and let us know the particulars about them (date, location, sponsor, tests, fees, contact information). Please do not email us to schedule appointments or ask questions about a particular clinic. Email or call that clinic's Contact person, instead.

MRI scans for Syringomyelia

If you are looking for clinics offering MRI scans, they are far and few between. But, we offer a list of them on this webpage. The information about clinics on that list may not be current, so be sure to call its office to confirm the details and costs of any scans currently offered.



Veterinarian applying eye dropsCheck convenient locations in Table 1, and then check the dates and details in Table 2.  Clinics sponsored by cavalier King Charles spaniel clubs/organizations are marked with a red asterisk * in Table 1 and highlighted in red in Table 2.

EYE & HEART SPECIALISTS: The veterinarians examining eyes are board certified ophthalmologists by the ACVO, and those examining hearts are board certified cardiologists by the ACVIM, if named, unless otherwise noted.  The examining veterinarians' names are listed in (parentheticals). Be aware that some of these clinics are intended only for dogs intended to be bred.

Veterinarian examining cavalier King Charles spanielREGISTRATION DETAILS: Appointments are limited at many of these clinics, and written applications and payments may be required by  fixed deadlines in advance of the clinic dates. Some clinics accept checks or credit cards; some require cash only. You may also be required to bring certain certifications with you, such as AKC registration records, previous CERF or OFA registration numbers, pedigrees, microchip or tattoo certificates, etc.  Most test prices do not include OFA or CERF registration fees, although some do.  Also, clinics sponsored by breed clubs may place restrictions on the testing of other breeds.  And, information posted is subject to change. Therefore, we recommend that you contact the clinic sponsors for appointments as early as possible, to assure that you will be able to have your dogs tested. When you contact the sponsor, provide details such as the breed, name of dog, your name, your email addy, your telephone number, and the tests you are requesting.

Cavalier's Eyes Being ExaminedOFA DETAILS: You may save time by downloading some OFA forms from the Internet and fill them out before going to the clinic.  Many OFA forms (Congenital Cardiac, Congenital Deafness, Hip and Elbow Dysplasia, Patellar Luxation, etc.) are downloadable from the OFA website at  Also, ask the cardiologist to use this standardized report form for cavalier King Charles spaniels.

BLOOD DRAWS: For thyroid tests and blood draws in general, it is recommended that the dogs fast for at least 12 hours before the tests.

ARCH LogoARCH refers to the "ACVIM Registry of Certified Health". The board certified cardiologists of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) have introduced ARCH to certify dogs' hearts are clear of mitral valve disease and other genetic heart disorders. Most heart clinics conducted by cardiologists will provide for ARCH registration. ARCH also certifies dogs' vision to be free from ophthalmology disease, by the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO) board certified veterinary ophthalmologists. ARCH's examination forms are available at its website.


Table 1: State/Province, City, and Date (Latest Update in RED)

Symbols for tests:
Heart (Cardiac)
Y; Eyes N; Hearing U; Blood/Swabs S; X-raysr; Other tests +; Microchip <
AZ Avondale Monthly N
" Gilbert Monthly N
" Paradise Valley* 4/13/25 Sr+
" Phoenix Monthly N
" " Monthly N
" Scottsdale Monthly N
" Tuscon Monthly N
BC Kamloops 4/26/25 YN
" Langley 5/3-4/25 YN
" Prince George 10/4/25 YNSr+
CA Bakersfield 3/28-29/25 Y
" " 3/28/25 N
" Pasadena Monthly N
" San Diego Monthly N
" San Francisco* 7/5/25 YN
" Santa Rosa Monthly N
" Torrance 4/12/25 Y
" Tustin Monthly N
" Upland Monthly N
CT Newton 3/30/25 YSr+
" Norwalk By Apptmt. N
" Suffield* 3/30/25 YNSr+<
" Wilton By Apptmt, N
FL Daytona Beach 4/5/25 N
" Ocala 5/3/25 Yr+<
" Orlando 12/11-13/25 Yr+<
" Tampa 6/11-15/25 r+<
" West Palm Beach 3/22/25 N
" " 3/23/25 Y
" " 4/26/25 Y
GA Appling 6/28/25 YN
" Gainesville 6/7-8/25 Y
" Perry 4/9-13/25 r+<
" " 5/10/25 YN
" " 11/28-29/25 Yr+<
ID Garden City 4/3/25 N
IL Bloomington 5/24/25 N
" Oswego 6/7/25 YNSr+<
" St. Charles Monthly N
" Wheeling Monthly N
KS Overland Park Monthly N
KY Erlanger 5/10/25 YSr+<
" Louisville 7/11/25 N
MB Winnipeg 4/26/25 Y
MD Annapolis Monthly N
" Frederick 4/6/25 YNS
MA Hyannis* 4/15/25 YN
" West Springfield 7/2-6/25 Yr+<
" " 11/20-23/25 Yr+<
MI Washington 4/12/25 YNSr+<
MN Sandstone* 6/27/25 YNr+<
MO Gray Summit 5/30/25 N
" Lake Saint Louis 4/4/25 YUr+
" St. Louis Monthly. N
" Springfield 3/29/25 YNS+
NE Lincoln 5/17/25 Y
NV Las Vegas Monthly N
NB Rothesay 4/12/25 Y
NH Bow 3/30/25 N
" Center Conway 3/29/25 N<
NJ Edison 3/22-23/25 r+<
NM Albuquerque 5/23-24/25 Y
NY Akron 8/24/25 N
" Lancaster 5/3/25 YN
" " By Appt. N
" Owego 4/13/25 YN
" Syracuse 3/29/25 YNU
" " 3/30/25 YN+
NC Asheboro 4/5/25 YN
" Hillsborough 4/26/25 Y
" " 4/26-27/25 r+<
" " 4/26-27/25 S+<
" " 4/27/25 N
" " 9/5-6/25 Yr+<
" Monroe 6/27/25  Y
OH Canfield 7/30 - 8/3/25 Yr+<
" Cincinnati 10/18/25 Yr+<
" Columbus 11/13-16/25 Yr+<
" Medina 3/22/25 YN
" Wilmington 4/16/25 YN
OK Oklahoma City 6/25-29/25 r+<
ON Blenheim 3/29/25 YN
" Everett 6/21/25 N
" Kingston 4/5/25 N
OR Pleasant Hill* 6/1/25 YN
PA Delmont 4/5/25 YNUS+<
" Gettysburg 4/30/25 YNS
" Harrisburg* 4/27/25 YN
SC Boiling Springs 6/28/25 YN<
" Greenville 7/24-27/25 Yr+<
TN Gray 5/17/25 N
TX Austin Monthly N
" Fort Worth 3/22/25 Y
" Marshall 5/9-10/25 N
" " 5/10/25 YU+
" Stephenville 11/7-8/25 YUr
" Van Alstyne 5/31/25 Y
UT Salt Lake City Monthly N
VT Tunbridge 7/12/25 YNU
VA King George 4/5/25 YNSr+<
" Leesburg Monthly N
WA Bremerton 3/22-23/25 N
WI Edgerton 4/6/25 YN<

Table 2: Date, Location, and Details

Hillsborough, NC
3/22/25 West Palm Beach, FL

South Florida Fair Grounds East Expo, 9067 Southern Blvd., West Palm Beach, FL 33411
Eyes OFA $50.00 Boca Raton Dog Club & Palm Beach County Dog Fanciers Assn.

Contact: Deborah Roberts, at 561-271-9506 or

Pre-registration is strongly recommended.

From 8 AM to 4 PM
Edison, NJ

New Jersey Convention & ExpositionCntr., 97 Sunfield Ave., Edison, NJ 08837
Hips (Craddock) x-rays OFA $300.00

Elbows x-rays OFA $150.00

Shoulders x-rays OFA $150.00

Spine x-rays OFA $250.00

Tachea x-ray OFA $125.00

Patellas OFA $40.00

Dentition OFA $40.00

Microchip $20.00
Blue Ridge Veterinary Imaging

Contact: 864-650-3151 or

Pre-registration is required.

Dr's assistant fee $25.00. Giant breed fee $50.00.
3/22/25 Medina, OH

Medina Kennel Club, 6840 Lake Rd., Medina, OH 44256
Heart (Hamlin) auscultation $65.00; echo $275.00; ECG $75.00

Eyes (Vogel) OFA $55.00
Medina Kennel Club

Contact: Vicki White, at 330-819-5568 or

From 8 AM to 5 PM
3/22/25 Fort Worth, TX

Will Rogers Memorial Center (Cattle Barn-1), 3400 Crestline Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76107
Heart (Saunders) auscultation $60.00/$62.00; echo $300.00/$307.00 Doberman Pinscher Club of Dallas

Contact: Mary Ann Byrns, at 

Pre-registration is required; deadline 3/10/25.

From 8:30 AM to 5 PM
Bremerton, WA

Kitsap County Fairgrounds (NW corner, Pavilion Bldg.) 1200 NW Fairgrounds Rd., Bremerton, WA
Eyes (Scherlie) OFA $40.00 Peninsula Dog Fanciers Club

Contact: None

From 10 AM 3/22 & 9 AM 3/23.
3/23/25 West Palm Beach, FL

South Florida Fair Grounds East Expo, 9067 Southern Blvd., West Palm Beach, FL 33411
Heart (Lamy) auscultation $75.00; + echo $275.00 Boca Raton Dog Club & Palm Beach County Dog Fanciers Ass n.

Contact: Deborah Roberts, at 561-271-9506 or

All breeds.
Bakersfield, CA

Kern County Fairgrounds, South PSt & Ming Ave., Bakersfield, CA
Heart (Kienle) auscultation $70.00; echo $270.00 Kern County Kennel Club

Contact: Kathy Parker, at 661-301-3780 or

Pre-registration is required. Cash only.

From 8 AM to 5 PM
3/28/25 Bakersfield, CA

Kern County Fairgrounds, South PSt & Ming Ave., Bakersfield, CA
Eyes (Marchione) OFA $50.00 San Luis Obispo Kennel Club & Kern County Kennel Club

Contact:; webpage
3/29/25 Springfield, MO

Springfield Family Dog Training, 9248 W Hedge Tree Ln., Springfield, 65802

Heart (Hatton) auscultation $100.00; echo $325.00

Eyes (Hunkeler) $60.00

Thyroid $160.00

Patellas $40.00

Dentition $40.00
Golden Retriever Dog Club of the Ozarks; ; website or

Pre-registration is required. All breeds.  

3/29/25 Center Conway, NH

Center Conway Fire Dept., 1593 E. Main St., Center Conway, NH 03813
Eyes (Alario) OFA $55.00 White Mountain Canine

Contact: Gia, at 603-915-1452 or or Wendi, at 603-
986-4184 or

From 9 AM to 2 PM. All breeds.

3/29/25 Syracuse, NY

New York State Fairgrounds (Conformation Bldg.), 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, NY 13207
Heart auscultation (Kornreich) $45.00; echo (Oxford) $300.00

Eyes (Kern) OFA $45.00

Hearing (Loew) BAER $45.00/$30.00
Salt City Cluster

Contact: Brenda Roth, at

Pre-registration is required.
3/29/25 Blenheim, ON

FargoRidge Kennels, 19251 Fargo Rd., Blenheim, ON N0P 1A0
Heart (Colpitts) auscultation $125.00; echo $450.00

Eyes (Spiess) OFA $65.00
Paws Academy of Chatham-Kent

Contact:; for eye exams, Sign up online at  then email MaryLou at to make payment. Plan to arrive 20 minutes before your appointment for drops.

Pre-registration is required. See our instruction above on how to register for OFA eye exams.

3/30/25 Newtown, CT

Pleasant Paws Pet Center, 94 South Main St., Newtown, CT 06470



X-rays: hips, elbows

Pleasant Paws Pet Center

Contact: 203-491-2770 or

From 8 AM to 4 PM. All breeds.
3/30/35 Suffield, CT

Suffield Veterinary Hospital, 577 East St. South (Route#159), Suffield, CT 06078
Heart (Treseder) auscultation $55.00

Eyes (Greenberg) OFA $45.00

X-rays (Huntington) hips &/or elbows $250.00

Patellas #$25.00

Microchip $45.00
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Southern New England

Contact: Gail Lefferts, at; webpage

Pre-registration is required; deadline 3/14/25

No OFA Exam forms will be provided at the clinic. For CAER eye exams, you need to create an account at, and fill out and submit your eye exam form online. For Basic Cardiac, Hip, Elbow, and Patella, please pre-fill your OFA applications online at , then print and bring with you.

From 8 AM to 4 PM
3/30/25 Bow, NH

Maureen D. Marcoux, 71 Page Rd., Bow, NH 03304
Eyes (Marrion) OFA $40.00 Maureen D. Marcoux

Contact: 603-856-7423

Pre-registration is required.

From 10 AM
3/30/25 Syracuse, NY

New York State Fairgrounds (Conformation Bldg.), 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, NY 13207
Heart (Oxford) auscultation $50.00; echo $300.00

Eyes (Kern) OFA $45.00

Patellas $45.00
Salt City Cluster

Contact: Brenda Roth, at

Pre-registration is required.
4/3/25 Garden City, ID

WestVet Emergency & Specialty Center, 5024 W. Chinden Blvd., Garden Cuity, ID 83714
Eyes (Breaux) OFA WestVet Emergency & Specialty Center

Contact: Cami Boynton, at 208-375-1600

From 9 AM to Noon. All breeds.
4/4/25 Lake Saint Louis, MO

National Equine Center, 6880 Lake Saint Louis Blvd., Lake Saint Louis, MO 63367
Heart (Sinn*) auscultation $25.00

Hearing (Sinn) BAER $125.00

X-rays (Sinn) trachea $125.00/$150.00; elbows $125.00/$150.00

Patellas $25.00
Miniature American Shepherd Club of the USA


Pre-registration is required..

* Veterinarian examining hearts does not appear to be a board certified cardiologist.

4/5/25 Daytona Beach, FL

Obedience Club Of Daytona, 1276 8th Street (Corner of 8th Street and Derbyshire), Daytona Beach, FL
Eyes (Plummer) OFA $45.00 Obedience Club Of Daytona

Contact: Robin Scott, at 407-592-0752 or 

Pre-registration is required; deadline 3/26/25.
4/5/25 Asheboro, NC

Clovers Print Kennel, US Hwy 64 Asheboro, NC 27205
Heart (Cocchario) echo $275.00

Eyes (Broadwater) OFA $75.00
Clovers Print Kennel

Contact: Taylor Marshburn, at 715-216-6257

Pre-registration is required.

From 9 AM to 6 PM. All breeds.
4/5/25 Kingston, ON

Luv-A-K9, 677 Innovation Dr. #2, Kingston, ON K7K 7E7
Eyes (Spiess) OFA $65.00 Luv-A-K9

Contact:  613-214-4165 or info@luvak; website:

From 10 AM
4/5/25 Delmont, PA

WCOTC Building, 16 Potters Rd. (Rt. 66 at Italy Rd.), Delmont, PA 15626
Heart (Hamlin) auscultation $65.00; echo $265.00; EKG/ECG $75.00

Eyes (Gornik) OFA $55.00

Hearing BAER $80.00

Thyroid OFA $125.00

Patellas $35.00

Dentition $35.00

Microchip $45.00
Westmoreland Country Obedience Training Club & Greater Pittsburgh Dalmatian Club

Contact: Dawn Logan, at; register at

Pre-registration is required for heart, eyes, and hearing tests.
4/5/25 King George, VA

Eagle's Nest Animal Hospital, 9687 Barbara's Way King George, VA 22485
Heart (Weidman) echo $275.00

Eyes (Bromberg) OFA $55.00

Thyroid $200.00

X-rays (Judge) hips or elbows $375.00; hips & elbows $425.00

Patellas $35.00

Dentition $32.00

Mircrochip $44.00
Eagle's Nest Animal Hospital

Contact: Sharlene Pitman, at

Pre-registration is required; deadline 3/20/25.
4/6/25 Frederick, MD

Clarion Inn, 5400 Holiday Dr., Frederick, MD, 21701
Heart (Paseika) auscultation $65.00; + echo $325.00

Eyes (Adkins) OFA $65.00

DNA (Paw Print Genetics)
Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac

Contact: Vicky Creamer, at

Pre-registration is required. Cash or check only.

Obtain auscultation and eye forns online at
4/6/25 Edgerton, WI

Sun-Golden Kennels, 7812 N Longview Ct., Edgerton, WI 53534
Heart (Kellihan) auscultation $60.00; echo $280.00

Eyes (McDonald) OFA $60.00

Microchip (AKC) $35.00
Sun-Golden Kennels

Contact: text 608-247-6823 or

Pre-registration is required.
Perry, GA

Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter, 401 Larry Walker Pkwy., Perry, GA 31069-4204
Hips (Craddock) x-rays OFA $300.00

Elbows x-rays OFA $150.00

Shoulders x-rays OFA $150.00

Spine x-rays OFA $250.00

Tachea x-ray OFA $125.00

Patellas OFA $40.00

Dentition OFA $40.00

Microchip $20.00
Blue Ridge Veterinary Imaging

Contact: 864-650-3151 or

Pre-registration is required.

Dr's assistant fee $25.00. Giant breed fee $50.00.
4/12/25 Torrance, CA

ACCESS, 2551 190th St., Torrance, CA 90504
Heart (Zimmerman) echo $200.00

Contact: Irene Avignon, at 661-435-2036 or; or Savannah McCorkle, at 562-221-3745

Pre-registration is required.

All breeds
4/12/25 Washington, MI

Wilson Veterinary Hospital, 12000 Durham Rd., Washington, MI 48095
Heart (Pinkos) OFA auscultation; echo

Eyes (Haeussler) OA

Thyroid OFA

X-rays OFA: hips, elbows, PennHIP

Patellas OFA

Wilson Veterinary Hospital

Contact: 586-752-6217 (est. 148)

Pre-registration is required.
4/12/25 Rothesay, NB

Kennebecasis Valley Animal Hospital,  90 Hampton Rd., Rothesay, NB E2E 2P5
Heart (Boutet) auscultation $75.00; echo $285.00 New Brunswick Heart Clinic


Pre-registration is required.

From 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
4/13/25 Paradise Valley, AZ

Applewood Animal Hospital,  6909 E. Lincoln D.r, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
X-rays* (Drummond): hips $95.00/$175.00; shoulder $65.00; ekbiw $65.00; combinations $152.00/$322.00

Thyroid (MSU) $82.00

Patellas $42.00
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Central Arizona

Contact: April Crow, at, or April, at; webpage 

Pre-registration is required.

*Sedation for x-rays is exrta, determined at time of procedure.
4/13/25 Owego, NY

Endless Mt. Veterinary Center, 114 Southside Dr., Owego, NY 13827
Heart (Moise) auscultation $50.00

Eyes (Kern) OFA $45.00
Tioga County Kennel Club

Contact: Vicki Kubic, at or 607-725-3662.

Pre-registration is required; deadline 3/24/25

From 9 AM
4/15/25 Hyannis, MA

Emerald Resort, 35 Scudder Ave., Hyannis, MA 02601
Heart auscultation $65.00; + echo $300.00

Eyes OFA $50.00
American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club

Contact: Suzanne Robinson, at

Pre-registration is required for these fee amounts.

From 9 AM to 4 PM.
4/16/25 Wilmington, OH

Roberts Center, 123 Gano Rd., Wilmington, OH 45177
Heart (Schober) auscultation $55.00

Eyes (Greentree) OFA $55,00
Belgian Sheepdog Club of America


From 9 AM to 3 PM. All breeds.
4/26/25 Kamloops, BC

2020CFalcon Rd., Ka,loops, BC V2C 4N6
Heart (Harmon) auscultation; echo

Eyes (Keller) OFA
Kamloops Regional Kennel Club

Contract: Christine Kobler, at or 604-703-4003

From 9 AM to 5 PM. All breeds.
4/26/25 West Palm Beach, FL

Palm Beach Veterinary Specialists, 3884 Forest Hill Blvd., West Palm Beach, FL 33406
Heart (Rivera) echo $250.00 Heart Screen WPB

Contact:; webpage

Pre-registration is required.

From 8:30 AM
4/26/25 Winnipeg, MB

Pawsitive Animal Hospital, 1580 Taylor Ave., unit 60, Winnipeg, MB R3N 2A7
Heart (Hawkes) auscultation $100.00; + echo $365.00 North America Service Dog Foundation

Contact:; webpage 

Pre-registration is required.

4/26/25 Hillsborough, NC

Durham Kennel Club clubhouse, 7318 Guess Rd., Hillsborough, NC 27278
Heart auscultation (Brown) $65.00; echo (Cocchiaro) $290.00 Durham Kennel Club

Contact: Judy Wagaman, at; webpage

Pre-registration is required.

From 8:30 AM to 5 PM
Hillsborough, NC

Durham Kennel Club clubhouse, 7318 Guess Rd., Hillsborough, NC 27278
Thyroid OFA $172.00

Patellas OFA $58.00

Dentition OFA $58.00

Microchip $55.00
Homestead Veterinary Hospital

Contact: Judy Wagaman, at; webpage

Pre-registration is required.

From 8:30 AM to 5 PM
Hillsborough, NC

Durham Kennel Club clubhouse, 7318 Guess Rd., Hillsborough, NC 27278
Hips (Craddock) x-rays OFA $300.00

Elbows x-rays OFA $150.00

Shoulders x-rays OFA $150.00

Spine x-rays OFA $250.00

Tachea x-ray OFA $125.00

Patellas OFA $40.00

Dentition OFA $40.00

Microchip $20.00
Blue Ridge Veterinary Imaging

Contact: 864-650-3151 or ; website

Pre-registration is required.

Dr's assistant fee $25.00. Giant breed fee $50.00.
4/27/25 Hillsborough, NC

Durham Kennel Club clubhouse, 7318 Guess Rd., Hillsborough, NC 27278
Eyes OFA $70.00 Durham Kennel Club

Contact: Judy Wagaman, at; webpage

Pre-registration is required.

From 8:30 AM to 5 PM
4/27/25 Harrisburg, PA

Redfern Canines Training Center, 7540 Allentown Blvd. #3, Harrisburg, PA 17112
Heart (King) auscultation $50.00; + echo $315.00

Eyes (Corr) OFA $60.00
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Fanciers of the Susquehanna Valley

Contact: Vicki DiArchangelo, at 484-332-3516 or

Pre-registration is required; deadline 4/17/25

From 9 AM
4/30/25 Gettysburg, PA

Eisenhower Hotel & Conference Center (Lobby Office - All Star Expo Hall), 2634 Emmittsburg Rd., Gettysburg, PA 17325
Heart (Peiffer) auscultation $75.00; + echo $300.00

Eyes (Bromberg) OFA $65.00

Thyroid (MSU) $175.00
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America

Contact: Samantha Judge, at; webpage 

Pre-registration is required; deadline 4/16/25
Langley, BC

AECFV, #302-6325 204th St., Langley, BC V2Y 3B3
Heart (Harmon & Lichtenberger) auscultation $80.00/$100.00; echo $325.00/$350.00

Eyes (Keller) OFA $45.00/$50.00
Golden Retriever Club of BC

Contract: Christine Kobler, at or 604-703-4003

From 9 AM to 4 PM. All breeds.
5/3/25 Ocala, FL

Marion Alachua Dog Training Association, 6600 NW 3rd Pl., Ocala, FL 34482
Heart (Craddock*) auscultation $40.00

Hips (Craddock) x-rays OFA $300.00

Elbows x-rays OFA $150.00

Shoulders x-rays OFA $150.00

Spine x-rays OFA $250.00

Trachea x-ray OFA $125.00

Patellas OFA $40.00

Dentition OFA $40.00

Microchip $25.00
Marion Alachua Dog Training Assn. & Blue Ridge Veterinary Imaging

Contact: Camille Nasca, at

Pre-registration is required.

Dr's assistant fee $25.00. Giant breed fee $50.00.

* Veterinarian examining hearts does not appear to be a board certified cardiologist.
5/3/25 Lancaster, NY

Premier Dog Sports and Training Center,  15 Lancaster Pkwy., Lancaster, NY 14086
Heart (Oxford) auscultation OFA $55.00/$65.00, echo OFA $325.00/$335.00

Eyes (Stanz) OFA $50.00/$55.00

Golden Retriever Club of WNY

Contact:: ("Health clinic" in the subject line)

Pre registration is required for reduced fees; deadline 4/18/25.
Marshall, TX

Marshall City Arena, 3310 Poplar St., Marshall, TX 75672
Eyes (Pierce) OFA $45.00/$40.00 Caddo Kennel Club

5/10/25 Perry, GA

Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter (Roquemore Conf. Ctr.), 401 Larry Walker Pkwy., Perry, GA 31069-4204
Heart (Markovic) auscultation $65.00; echo $285.00

Eyes (Pentlarge) OFA $55.00/$60.00
Macon Kennel Club

Contact: Annette Nobles, at 478-396-9772

Pre-registration is required for heart exams and for reduced fees for eye exams..

From 9 AM to 4 PM

5/10/25 Erlanger, KY

Erlanger Veterinary Hospital, 3414 Dixie Hwy., Erlanger, KY 41018
Heart (Pfaehler) auscultation OFA $60.00

Thyroid OFA $200.00

X-rays OFA: hips & Leff-Calve-Perthes $180.00; elbows $120.00

Patellas OFA $40.00

Dentition OFA $30.00

Microchip $43.70
Erlanger Veterinary Hospital

Conact: 859-908-1100 or

Pre-registration is required.

* Veterinarian examining hearts does not appear to be a board certified cardiologist.
5/10/25 Marshall, TX

Marshall City Arena, 3310 Poplar St., Marshall, TX 75672
Heart (Freeman*) auscultation $40.00; EKG $60.00

Hearing (Freeman) BAER $65.00

Patellas $40.00
Caddo Kennel Club


* Veterinarian examining hearts does not appear to be a board certified cardiologist.

From 9 AM to 3 PM
5/17/25 Lincoln, NE

Sandhill Global Events Center, 4100 N 84th St., Lincoln NE 68507
Heart (Thomason) auscultation $65.00; echo $300.00 Borzoi Club of Greater Omaha & Nebraska Kennel Club

Contact:; webpage

Pre-registration is required.

From 9 AM
5/17/25 Gray, TN

Appalachian Fairgrounds (Home & Farm Bldg.), 100 Lakeview St., Gray, TN 37615
Eyes (Hendrix) OFA $50.00 Greater Kingsport Kennel Club

Contact: Pam Jones, at 216-534-6582

No pre-registration. Walk in only.

11AM to 2 PM
5/24/25 Bloomington, IL

Interstate Center, 1106 Interstate Dr., Bloomington, IL 61705
Eyes (Tolar) OFA $50.00/$55.00 Heart of Illinois Cluster

Contact: Bluegrass Veterinary Vision, at 502-242-5504 or; online registration at Online registration:  OFA online paperwork: 

Pre-registration is required for reduced fee.

From 10 AM to 4 PM. All breeds.
Albuquerque, NM

Expo New Mexico, 300 San Pedro NE, Albuquerque, NM
Heart (Nadolny) auscultation $65.00; echo $300.00 Borzoi Club of Greater Omaha

Contact:; 5/23 webpage; 5/24 webpage
5/30/25 Gray Summit, MO

Purina Farms, 500 William Danforth Way, Gray Summit, MO 63039
Eyes (Ota-Kuroki) OFA $55.00/$65.00 Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of America

Contact: D'arcy Downs-Vollbracht, at or 928-716-7191

Pre-registration is required for reduced fee.

From 9 AM to 3 PM. All breeds.
5/31/25 Van Alstyne, TX

GraceNGoldens, 584 Jim Cannon Rd., Van Alstyne, TX 75495
Heart auscultation; echo GraceNGoldens

Contact: Marlo Grayson, at 903-271-7106 or

Pre-registration is required.

From 8 AM. All breeds.
6/1/25 Pleasant Hill, OR

35561 Westminster St., Pleasant Hill, OR 97455
Heart (Wallace) auscultation $55.00; echo $275.00

Eyes (Maxwell) OFA $45.00
Quail Run Cavaliers & Cavaliers of the West


Pre-registration is required.

From 9 AM to 4 PM. All breeds.
Gainesville, GA Heart (Blischok-Lapekas) echo $275.00 Angella Martin

Contact: Facebook: 
6/7/25 Oswego, IL

Bristol Veterinary Clinic, 2271 Orchard Rd., Oswego, IL
Heart (Kellihan) auscultation; echo

Eyes (asserman) OFA


X-rays: hips, elbows, shoulder, spine, trachea



Bristol Veterinary Clinic

Contact: 630-554-1080 or

Pre-registration is required.
Tampa, FL

Florida State Fairgrounds, 4800 N US Hwy. 301, Tampa, FL 33610
Hips (Craddock) x-rays OFA $300.00

Elbows x-rays OFA $150.00

Shoulders x-rays OFA $150.00

Spine x-rays OFA $250.00

Tachea x-ray OFA $125.00

Patellas OFA $40.00

Dentition OFA $40.00

Microchip $20.00
Blue Ridge Veterinary Imaging

Contact: 864-650-3151 or

Pre-registration is required.

Dr's assistant fee $25.00. Giant breed fee $50.00.
6/21/25 Everett, ON

GoldenAsset Kennel, 5166 Concession Rd. 4, Everett, ON  L0M 1J0
Eyes (Spiess) OFA $63.00 GoldenAsset Kennel

Contact: Mary Greenwood, at or 705-440-7644

Pre-registration is requird.

From 9 AM to 5 PM. All breeds.
Oklahoma City, OK

Oklahoma State Fairgrounds, 3001 General Pershing Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73107
Hips (Craddock) x-rays OFA $300.00

Elbows x-rays OFA $150.00

Shoulders x-rays OFA $150.00

Spine x-rays OFA $250.00

Tachea x-ray OFA $125.00

Patellas OFA $40.00

Dentition OFA $40.00

Microchip $20.00
Blue Ridge Veterinary Imaging

Contact: 864-650-3151 or

Pre-registration is required.

Dr's assistant fee $25.00. Giant breed fee $50.00.
6/27/25 Sandstone, MN

Peaceful Garden Cavaliers, 53253 W. Grindstone Rd., Sandstone, MN 55072
Heart (Rose) auscultation $40.00; echo $300.00

Eyes (Rogan) OFA $50.00

Hearing (Sinn) BAER $100.00

X-rays (Sinn) $100.00

Patellas $20.00

Microchip $20.00
Peaceful Garden Cavaliers

Contact: or 320-279-0318

Pre-registration is required
6/27/25 Monroe, NC

Hyatt's Goldens, Love Mill Rd., Monroe, NC 28110
Heart (Sayer) auscultation $45.00 Kaylan Hyatt

Contact: Kaylan Hyatt, at 704-301-1270; Facebook: 

Pre-registration is required.
6/28/25 Appling, GA

Augusta Kennel Club clubhouse, 3970 East White Oak Rd., Appling, GA 30802
Heart (Hall) auscultation; echo

Eyes (Belknap) OFA
Augusta Kennel Club

Contact: 803-514-2510 or 
6/28/25 Boiling Springs, SC

Spartanburg Kennel Club, 431 Old John Dodd Rd., Boiling Springs, SC 29316
Hearet (Sayer) auscultation $50.00; echo $215.00

Eyes (Broadwater) OFA $60.00

Microchip $25.00
Spartanburg Kennel Club

Contact: Marilyn Welton, at

Pre-registration is required.

From 9 AM to 5 PM.
West Springfield, MA

Eastern States Exposition Grounds, 1305 Memorial Ave.,. West Springfield, MA 01089
Heart (Craddock*) auscultation $40.00

Hips (Craddock) x-rays OFA $300.00

Elbows x-rays OFA $150.00

Shoulders x-rays OFA $150.00

Spine x-rays OFA $250.00

Trachea x-ray OFA $125.00

Patellas OFA $40.00

Dentition OFA $40.00

Microchip $25.00
Blue Ridge Veterinary Imaging

Contact: 864-650-3151 or

Pre-registration is required.

Dr's assistant fee $25.00. Giant breed fee $50.00.

* Veterinarian examining hearts does not appear to be a board certified cardiologist.
7/5/25 San Francisco, CA

Embassy Suites - San Francisco Airport, 250 Gateway Boulevard South San Francisco, CA 94080

Cavaliers of the West

Contact: To be determined.
7/11/25 Louisville, KY

Bluegrass Veterinary Vision, 500 N English Station Rd., Suite 111, Louisville, KY 40223
Eyes (Tolar) OFA $60.00 Bluegrass Veterinary Vision

Contact: 502-242-5504 or

Pre-registration is required. Please create your CAER application online at prior to calling for an appointment.
7/12/25 Tunbridge, VT

Tunbridge Fairgrounds, 1 Fairgrounds Rd. (Route 110), Tunbridge, VT 05077
Heart (Waxman) auscultation $65.00; echo $285.00

Eyes (Alerio) OFA $50.00

Hearing (Pswlusiow) BAER $80.00
Vermont Scenic Circuit Dog Show

Contact: Dana Dean, at

Pre-registration is required.

From 9 AM to 3 PM
Greenville, SC

TD Convention Center, 1 Expositon Ave., Greenville, SC 29607
Heart (Craddock*) auscultation $40.00

Hips (Craddock) x-rays OFA $300.00

Elbows x-rays OFA $150.00

Shoulders x-rays OFA $150.00

Spine x-rays OFA $250.00

Trachea x-ray OFA $125.00

Patellas OFA $40.00

Dentition OFA $40.00

Microchip $25.00
Blue Ridge Veterinary Imaging

Contact: 864-650-3151 or

Pre-registration is required.

Dr's assistant fee $25.00. Giant breed fee $50.00.

* Veterinarian examining hearts does not appear to be a board certified cardiologist.
Canfield, OH

Canfield Fairgrounds/ Rt 46, Canfield, OH 44406
Heart (Craddock*) auscultation $40.00

Hips (Craddock) x-rays OFA $300.00

Elbows x-rays OFA $150.00

Shoulders x-rays OFA $150.00

Spine x-rays OFA $250.00

Trachea x-ray OFA $125.00

Patellas OFA $40.00

Dentition OFA $40.00

Microchip $25.00
Blue Ridge Veterinary Imaging

Contact: 864-650-3151 or

Pre-registration is required.

Dr's assistant fee $25.00. Giant breed fee $50.00.

* Veterinarian examining hearts does not appear to be a board certified cardiologist.
8/24/25 Akron, NY

13138 Genesee St., Akron, NY 14001
Eyes (Stanz) OFA $55.00 Tonawanda Valley Kennel Club

Contact: (Eye Clinic in subject line)

Pre-registration is required; deadlline 8/1/25
Hillsborough, NC

Durham Kennel Club clubhouse, 7318 Guess Rd., Hillsborough, NC 27278
Heart (Craddock*) auscultation $40.00

Hips (Craddock) x-rays OFA $300.00

Elbows x-rays OFA $150.00

Shoulders x-rays OFA $150.00

Spine x-rays OFA $250.00

Trachea x-ray OFA $125.00

Patellas OFA $40.00

Dentition OFA $40.00

Microchip $25.00
Durham Kennel Club & Blue Ridge Veterinary Imaging

Contact: 864-650-3151 or ; webpage 

Pre-registration is required.

Dr's assistant fee $25.00. Giant breed fee $50.00.

* Veterinarian examining hearts does not appear to be a board certified cardiologist.
10/4/25 Prince George, BC Heart (Hawkes) auscultataion OFA $80.00; + echo OFA $330.00

Eyes (King) OFA $70.00

Thyroid OFA $630.00

X-rays (Fuller) hips or elbows OFA $500.00; hips + elbows $585.00

Patellas OFA $90.00
Northern K9 Health Clinic


Pre-registration is required.

10/18/25 Cincinnati, OH

Timbercreek Acres, 1499 Jonquilmeadow Dr,Cincinnati, OH 45240
Heart (Craddock*) auscultation $40.00

Hips (Craddock) x-rays OFA $300.00

Elbows x-rays OFA $150.00

Shoulders x-rays OFA $150.00

Spine x-rays OFA $250.00

Trachea x-ray OFA $125.00

Patellas OFA $40.00

Dentition OFA $40.00

Microchip $25.00
Timbercreek Acrees & Blue Ridge Veterinary Imaging

Contact: Cat Weil, at

Pre-registration is required.

Dr's assistant fee $25.00. Giant breed fee $50.00.

* Veterinarian examining hearts does not appear to be a board certified cardiologist.
Stephenville, TX

Heart (Sinn*) auscultation

Hearing (Sinn) BAER

X-rays (Sinn) hips, elbows
Brandon Sinn, DVM


Pre-registration is required.

* Veterinarian examining hearts does not appear to be a board certified cardiologist.
Columbus, OH

Ohio Expo Center & State Fair (Bricker Bldg.), 717 East 17th Ave., Columbus, OH 43211
Heart (Craddock*) auscultation $40.00

Hips (Craddock) x-rays OFA $300.00

Elbows x-rays OFA $150.00

Shoulders x-rays OFA $150.00

Spine x-rays OFA $250.00

Trachea x-ray OFA $125.00

Patellas OFA $40.00

Dentition OFA $40.00

Microchip $25.00
Blue Ridge Veterinary Imaging

Contact: Cat Weil, at

Pre-registration is required.

Dr's assistant fee $25.00. Giant breed fee $50.00.

* Veterinarian examining hearts does not appear to be a board certified cardiologist.
West Springfield, MA

Eastern States Exposition Grounds, 1305 Memorial Ave.,. West Springfield, MA 01089
Heart (Craddock*) auscultation $40.00

Hips (Craddock) x-rays OFA $300.00

Elbows x-rays OFA $150.00

Shoulders x-rays OFA $150.00

Spine x-rays OFA $250.00

Trachea x-ray OFA $125.00

Patellas OFA $40.00

Dentition OFA $40.00

Microchip $25.00
Blue Ridge Veterinary Imaging

Contact: 864-650-3151 or

Pre-registration is required.

Dr's assistant fee $25.00. Giant breed fee $50.00.

* Veterinarian examining hearts does not appear to be a board certified cardiologist.
Perry, GA

Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter, 401 Larry Walker Pkwy., Perry, GA 31069-4204
Heart (Craddock*) auscultation $40.00

Hips (Craddock) x-rays OFA $300.00

Elbows x-rays OFA $150.00

Shoulders x-rays OFA $150.00

Spine x-rays OFA $250.00

Trachea x-ray OFA $125.00

Patellas OFA $40.00

Dentition OFA $40.00

Microchip $25.00
Blue Ridge Veterinary Imaging

Contact: 864-650-3151 or

Pre-registration is required.

Dr's assistant fee $25.00. Giant breed fee $50.00.

* Veterinarian examining hearts does not appear to be a board certified cardiologist.
Orlando, FL

Orange County Convention Center (N/S Bldg.), 9400 Universal Blvd., Orlando, FL 32819 
Heart (Craddock*) auscultation $40.00

Hips (Craddock) x-rays OFA $300.00

Elbows x-rays OFA $150.00

Shoulders x-rays OFA $150.00

Spine x-rays OFA $250.00

Trachea x-ray OFA $125.00

Patellas OFA $40.00

Dentition OFA $40.00

Microchip $25.00
Blue Ridge Veterinary Imaging

Contact: 864-650-3151 or

Pre-registration is required.

Dr's assistant fee $25.00. Giant breed fee $50.00.

* Veterinarian examining hearts does not appear to be a board certified cardiologist.
Monthly Avondale, AZ

13034 W Rancho Santa Fe Blvd., Suite 102, Avondale, AZ 85392
Eyes OFA Eye Care For Animals

Contact: telephone 623-872-3937 for an appointment; website:
Monthly Gilbert, AZ

Eye Care for Animals, 86 W. Juniper Ave., Suite #8, Gilbert, AZ 85233
Eyes OFA Eye Care for Animals

Contact: telephone 480-635-1110 option number 4; website:

First Tuesday of every month.
Monthly Phoenix, AZ

Eyeshine Veterinary, 20950 N. 29th Ave., Suite 100, Phoenix, AZ 85027
Eyes (Reed) OFA Eyeshine Veterinary

Contact: or 888-393-8385; website

The third Wednesday of every month.
Monthly Phoenix, AZ

Eye Care for Animals, 2316 W. Northern Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85201
Eyes (Barrett) OFA Eye Care for Animals

Contact: 602-995-2871; website:
Monthly Scottsdale, AZ

Eye Care for Animals, 14202 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Eyes (Urbanz) OFA Eye Care for Animals

Contact: 480-948-2362; website:
Monthly Tucson, AZ

Veterinary Specialty Center of Tucson, 4909 N. La Canada Drive, Tucson, AZ 85704
Eyes CERF Veterinary Specialty Center of Tucson

Contact: telephone 520-795-9955

Pre-registration is required.

The first Wednesday of every month.
Monthly San Diego, CA

Eye Care For Animals, 5040 Convoy St., Suite B, San Diego, CA
Eyes OFA Eye Care For Animals

Contact: telephone 619-702-3937 for an appointment; website:
Monthly Santa Rosa, CA

Eye Care for Animals, 3070 Cleveland Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Eyes (Burwell) OFA $40.00/$32.00 Eye Care for Animals

Contact: telephone 707-571-8442; website:

Clinics are held each month (except August) on a Tuesday between 3:00 PM and 4:30 PM, by appointment only. If you have a litter of 5 or more dogs, we will create a Clinic just for you.
Monthly Tustin, CA

Eye Care for Animals, 3025 Edinger Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780
Eyes OFA Eye Care for Animals

Contact: telephone 949-733-8271 for an appointment; website:
Monthly Upland, CA

Eye Care for Animals, 10 West 7th St., Upland, CA 91786
Eyes OFA Eye Care for Animals

Contact: telephone 909-949-9200, email; , website:

Pre-registration is required.

From 3:00pm to 4:00pm the last Wednesday of every month.
By Appointment Norwalk, CT

Animal Eye Clinic, 21 Possum Ln., Norwalk, CT 06854
Eyes (Neaderland) OFA $75.00/$50.00 Animal Eye Clinic

Contact: 203-856-9134
By Appointment Wilton, CT

Animal Eye Clinic, 783 Danbury Rd., Wilton, CT 06897
Eyes (Stuhr) OFA $65.00* Animal Eye Clinic

Contact: 203-762-9399 or 203-587-1224; website

*Fee is less for multiple dogs
Monthly St. Charles, IL

Eye Care for Animals St. Charles, 2002 W. Main Street, Suite Q, St. Charles, IL 60174
Eyes OFA Eye Care for Animals St. Charles

Contact: 630-444-0393; website:
Monthly Wheeling, IL

Eye Care for Animals, 372 S. Milwaukee Ave., Wheeling, IL 60090
Eyes (Sisler) OFA $40.00/$32.00 Eye Care for Animals

Contact: telephone 847-215-3933; website:

Third Thursday of every month. Pre-registration is required. From 3:15pm to 4:15pm.
Monthly Overland Park, KS

Eye Care for Animals, 11950 West 110th St., Suite A, Overland Park, KS 66210
Eyes OFA Eye Care for Animals

Contact: 913-381-3937; website:
Monthly Annapolis, MD

Eye Care for Animals, 808 Bestgate Rd., Annapolis, MD 21401
Eyes (Hyman) OFA $40.00/$32.00 Eye Care for Animals

Contact: telephone 410-224-4470 for an appointment; website:
Monthly St. Louis, MO

10328 Manchester Rd., St. Louis, MO 63122
Eyes (Meredith) CAER Animal Eye Associates of St. Louis

Contact: 314-966-2111
Monthly Las Vegas, NV

Eye Care for Animals, 5231 West Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89146
Eyes (Barrett) OFA Eye Care for Animals

Contact: telephone 702-795-3937; website:

Third Wednesday of every month. Pre-registration is required.
By Appt. Lancaster, NY

Animal Eye Care of Western New York, 4865 Transit Rd., Lancaster, NY 14043
Eyes CERF Animal Eye Care of Western New York

Contact: 716-608-7700
Monthly Austin, TX

Eye Care for Animals, 12419 Metric Blvd., Austin, TX 78758
Eyes (Smith) OFA Eye Care for Animals

Contact: telephone 512-335-3937; website:
Monthly Salt Lake City, UT

Eye Care for Animals, 1021 East 3300 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84106-2142
Eyes (MacLaren) OFA $32.00/$26.00 Eye Care for Animal

Contact: telephone 801-942-3937; website:

Pre-registration is required.

From 3:00pm to 4:15pm.
Monthly Leesburg, VA

Eye Care for Animals, 165 Fort Evans Rd. NE, # 101, Leesburg, VA 20176-3367
Eyes OFA $40.00/$32.00 Eye Care for Animals

Contact: telephone 571-209-1190; website:

Pre-registration is required.